The War Of Consoles

It was five days before christmas eve. Thousands of Playstation, Nintendo and Xbox fanboys we're screaming front of gamestop.exe for the gamestop.exe to open because they wanted to get their new consoles.
2 Hours went and the kids was fighting and beating the crap out of each other. Finally the store opened so the store got jammed. When they got there, they said: where da fk r our consolz.
The game seller said: They are'nt arrived there yet. There is a problem in Japan. Playstation 4 climbed inside Mecha Godzilla and Wii U turned to Mecha NES and then Xbox 1 just died because the only buyers we're just couple finns.
Kids killed the seller and then they stole lots of games to their bags. Then they walked out crying and crawling in the floor.
Now at Japan
The whole Japan.exe is almost died because the Mecha Godzilla beated the crap out of Mecha NES and he threw it everywhere and then XxX_peed_XxX on it because it was cool.
Mecha Nes threw LJN games at him and barfed technological turds and then Mecha Nes started punching Mecha Godzila with his imagery fists because Nes dont have fists.
Then Mecha Godzilla threw funny maymays at him and he throwed the whole Game Freak office building at him.
Then Nes turned the world to 8bit area and then lots of sprites came from popular games to do lots of damage to Mecha Godzilla.
Godzilla felt to the ground and his arm broke and hyperrealistic robot blood came out.
Mecha Nes then hit her with her door closet and then he threw it to the ocean and it drowned. And Nintendo won.
Now at American Gamestop
A new game seller told the kids that only Wii U's was released because Playstation 4 drowned and Xbox was already died 3 weeks ago.
Then 99% of the kids said: da fk who evn likez wi u. wi u sukz as. letz kil thiz seler and kil al wi us
Then 3 kids bought Wii U and then leaved before the other kids killed the another game seller and all the Wii U's.
2 Years later there was NO video games at all